The 7-Week Mental Fitness Program

             So, why take the program?

    As a certified Life Coach, I have further trained to become a PQ  Coach and part of the Positive Intelligence® Program founded by Shirzad Chamine, author of the New York Times best-selling book, Positive Intelligence, and a Stanford lecturer. I  have completed their 7- week App program myself and found it so valuable that I have taken further training to be able to share this program with others. 

    Every single day you are actively sabotaging your effectiveness on performance, wellness, and relationships.  Only 20% of individuals and teams reach their full potential. Based on research, neuroscience, positive psychology, and performance science while using factor analysis, this program provides the understanding and tools to boost your mental fitness (Positive Intelligence Quotient known as PQ). It's the best predictor of how happy you are and how well you perform relative to your potential. The program provides tools to create new neural pathways, to learn to become more resilient, and make lasting changes in how you face life's challenges.








    Here is what you'll find in the App

    Weekly Video Instruction   

    Independently, you watch a 1-hour weekly video (recommended you view it on the weekend or Monday). Each video contains an experiential exercise so you can experience the concepts more viscerally and personally and not just analytically.

    Daily Focus 

     Each day, you can access mini app-guided exercises to build stronger mental fitness and new neural pathways.  They can be customized based on how you self-sabotage. Taking a 2-minute break allows you to stop and center yourself in a wiser part of your brain. Your Saboteurs will try to convince you otherwise, but you do have the time!

    The PQ Gym 

    Here you are provided guided PQ 2- 5- and 12-minute rep resiliency practices. To motivate you, you are provided instant feedback on your progress.  MRI imagining shows brain rewiring may be visible within 8 weeks. 

    The Positive Intelligence Book in Audio Format.

    Chapters 1 through 8 are available in the app in an audio format and a pdf version is also provided. 

    In Addition, Community Support

    Support and accountability groups also can be arranged with other program participants. You are welcome to take the program individually with Marla or to join a pod.  It is an opportunity to enhance your practice and learning and be supported by others.  Research indicates a 500% increased likelihood of establishing positive new habits when supported by accountability partners.  

    Overview of the weekly topics:

    Week 1: Self-Command Muscle-

     Through PQ Reps, resiliency exercises ranging from 10 seconds to 12 minutes, you get to boost your Self-Command muscle. You learn to quiet your Judge and activate the positive Sage region of your brain.

    Weeks 2-3: The Judge and Accomplice Saboteurs – You uncover your top Saboteurs by taking a free online assessment. You learn to expose the lies and limiting beliefs of your Saboteurs and intercept them when they attempt to hijack you. 

    Weeks 4–7:  Sage Muscle and Applications  You learn about the five Sage powers and the Sage perspective that any challenge or problem can be turned into a gift or opportunity. When in Sage, you can handle challenges with a clear and calm mind, positive emotions, and laser-focused action. All positive and healthy interpersonal skills and behaviors come from the Sage brain.  You also learn how to apply the program in areas of your life such as stress management, productivity, parenting,  relationships, and even sales.

    © 2022Positive Intelligence, LLC. All rights reserved. No reproduction, in any form, printed or electronic, is permitted without prior written permission from Positive Intelligence, LLC. POSITIVE INTELLIGENCE and PQ COACH are trademarks of Positive Intelligence, LLC.


    "“This program certainly reduced my daily stress levels, and resulted in me being a lot more clear headed in conversations with my colleagues and peers. The operating system did a great job reminding me daily to perform the required steps, and helped ensure it built particular habits for the future.” J.M.  Director of Sales

    Cost of the program is $995. If taken in conjunction with regular coaching with Marla, please discuss rates with her. If interested in signing up for the program or if you have any questions about the program, please fill out the contact form below.